How I get started my journey with Affiliate Marketing?

In this article, I share one of my strategies that helps me to generate my first $1000 dollars online with affiliate marketing and I’ll share my exact step how I have how I find a product to promote how I built a landing page or review page by simply copy-pasting other people’s content and the exact strategy to run google ads on low investment.

you can easily start with 10 to 15 dollars per day I’ll share the exact system that helped me to generate more than a thousand dollars from jvzoo and warriorplus platform when I got started my affiliate marketing journey.

I’ve started writting content related to affiliate marketing so that newbie affiliate marketer easily gets started their affiliate marketing journey.

If you want to get my exact system that helping me to build my thousand dollars per month recurring commissions with automation you can this out.

How I Find A Profitable Product to Promote?

so how I choose a product to promote… is one of the platforms that helps me to get the recently launched product on this Jvzoo and Warriorplus platform you can simply visit to muncheye and you’ll see a lot of product is launching daily on this Jvzoo and Warriorplus platform.

Basically, i do i always check the big launches.

you’ll find the jv page from here will where you’ll get the information about the product and the affiliate link to get approved promoting this product simply visit the jv page you’ll get a lot of informations about the product you’ll get all the promotional tools inside.

If you want to promote this product you need to ask the product creator to approval.

so that i simply write out whatever suitable for me like general to the sellers when i get started as no sales experience so basically i write out something like that,

“I want to join your launch and I’ll promote your product using the google ads and the youtube reviews.”

That’s what i can do when i get started i don’t have any subscriber list to promote so i get started promoting this using the google ads and the youtube review videos simply type your message here and request for approval the product vendor will absorb your affiliate link is it suitable for them within 24 hours then you can start creating your review or review page or landing page to promote this product after getting approved for my affiliate link.

How I create the Landing Page to Promote product?

I start creating a review page simple review paste using the wordpress you can also easily create a blogging or review website on WordPress within couple of hours.

If you don’t know how to build a website or you don’t want to struggle on this part you can easily hire a freelancer from Fiverr or Upwork to create your WordPress website or the landing page inside the WordPress.

so where you can easily simply copy-paste the content so I have not written any of this content is simply copy-paste from the other website so how you can find this type of website so if you chose this product to promote just search on google about this product review you’ll find a lot of websites that’s are already promoting this product so you can easily create the content from there

you can great grab content from this type of websites where already review are created.

I chose to write simple introductions about the product then i give the overview about the product.

I suppose to provide a demo you can also find the information of the content from the jv page or the sales page of the product.

I’ve also offered some bonuses for my customers who purchase the product from my link so that my conversion rate increase and my customer also have some value from me.

So it helps me to get better results providing massive bonuses to my customer if you don’t have any bonuses to provide you can purchase any plr product or you can you’ll also find some product from the product creators for giving out to your customers as a bonus it will help you to boost your conversions.

If you don’t want to create this uh type of landing page by yourself a similar type of websites or landing pages, you can hire on one of my partner from Fiverr.

Exact strategy to run my Google Ads Campaign

you can run google search ads and for the content, you can use this type of headlines the product review exclusive bonuses and you can set up the descriptions according to the product.

In case of keyword, you can use this type of keyword like the product name “product name” and review “ProductName demo“, “ProductName review”, “ProductName Bonuses”.

in case of targeting country i used to target tier one country like united states united kingdom australia canada new zealand and i used to target the only desktop versions because most of the sales comes from the desktop devices.

so this is my secret strategy to promote this using the google ads i used to promote products one product per week just have to write a review build a review oage once per week then i used to promote that product spending $10-$15 per day.

It helps me to generate a hundred dollars after spending like 30 to 40 dollars your results may vary from product to product.

Thats what i had to do to do the launch jacking to promote this JVzoo & Warriorplus product.

I used to do it once per week i was spending like three to four hours per week to create a review page and set it the google ads campaign. it helps me to generate like almost thousands plus dollars from this two platform.

Now I’m not promoting this type of product as I’m now focusing on recurring and high ticket product that helps me get better ROI with with less hardwork and that’s what i’m currently doing right now let me know if you have any inquiries or if you want to know about this product.

Actually I learned this systems from the ministry of freedom it’s one of the course from Jono Armstrong. He’s one of the top affiliate of jvzoo and warriorplus if you want to get his course you can check the link

This will be my affiliate link if you purchase from there i’ll ensure you to provide my personal support and some exclusive bonuses for you plus i’ll help you to build your websites and run the google ads campaign .

From the ministry of freedom course you can learn a lot of strategies to promote Jvzoo & Warriorplus products & how to make high ticket sales.

Let me know if you want me to show how to create a review page and how to set up the campaign i’ll do this on live. if i get a proper feedback on this article and i just do i’ll prefer to create another videos on launch checking method complete details and strategy.

That i’m have used earlier though I am not promoting uh the JVzoo & warriorplus product are coming from the organic traffic on google from the google i have got one sales before an hour an hour ago. Its help me to get some extra commissions.

A complete free funnel and affiliate marketing training and which i I’m currently using to grow up my affiliate marketing business you can check out the link. On the video descriptions if you like this video hit the like button and if you did not like this video you can hit the dislike button I will consider it as feedback

How It will motivate me to create new videos for you so just let me know what you think about this method if you’re going to apply this also if comment on the below if you want a new video on this method where I will show the exact studies and details how to do the launch jacking thank you for investing your time for reading the article.

I really appreciate that see you the next time!